Help us reach our goal

Emergency & Small grants funding Campaign

Give to the Global Grassroots Activists in our Network

Feeling frustrated, angry, and hopeless with so much bad news in the world today?

Don’t despair. Make an immediate difference giving today to support courageous grassroots activists and peacebuilders working in high-risk regions around the world for peace, justice, and dignity. They are facing major challenges exacerbated by the COVID 19 pandemic but are continuing to achieve important wins for change in communities around the world. 

They are:

  • pushing back against election violence in Kenya;
  • protecting human rights defenders struggling for democracy and rights in Western Sahara, Palestine and Uganda;
  • building alliances to change policies on women’s rights and violence against women in Pakistan, India and Guatemala; and
  • working for environmental and indigenous rights and saving river systems in Nepal, Brazil, Southeast Asia, and India, among many other issues.


Your donation to Solidarity 2020 and Beyond’s Funding Campaign for Global Grassroots Activists will go directly to these amazing people in the field struggling for a better world. Your donation will go to build our emergency and small grants pool which go 100% to local communities with no overhead. The emergency grants fund critical needs like security and relocation, micro-enterprise and livelihoods, and healthcare and psycho-social programs to keep activists and their families healthy enabling them to continue their critical work.  Our small grants fund advocacy campaigns and activities such as an International Peace Day for youth and prevention of election violence community dialogue in Kenya; nonviolent action training workshops to develop networks and action plans in Southeast Asia and Palestine; and Social Justice clubs in Uganda. 

"Solidarity 2020 and Beyond helped us to amplify the appeal that we were sending out as human rights defenders, I've been on the frontline. We were able to fundraise for people to cater for their basic needs, but also to look on alternative shelters for women who are most vulnerable."
Ruth Mumbi
Social Justice Activist, GGAN Member, Kenya

All activities and funds are applied for and distributed to trusted, experienced, and savvy activist leaders, members of our Global Grassroots Activists Network, involved in locally led initiatives.  Results and lessons learned are shared with others doing similar work in our network and beyond through reports, social media communication, webinars and a soon to be launched blog. We stress sustainability and continue support over many years. There is no one-off project. 

The issues our GGAN members are working on include climate crisis and environmental rights, racial justice, women’s rights and gender justice, indigenous rights, self-determination and freedom, and anti-corruption campaigns and movements in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America—areas where resources are limited and human rights abuses a major challenge. 

"We have our own different issues. But if we have the joint voices, with many more voices, we can create a chorus, that chorus for change, that chorus for transformation."

- Sushil Adhikari (GGAN Member, Advocate for Youth & Disabilities Rights, Nepal)
"We need to have strong transnational institutions built around mobilization that create and stitch together a common vision of what the future will hold… I think the first and most important thing is creating the transnational infrastructure for left forces across the world to be able to speak to each other… [Y]ou have to be able to build frameworks in which you have left forces across the world in conversation to build up alternative approaches"

Aziz Rana on Democracy Now
"But one of the ways to navigate those differences and cleavages is to have frameworks put in place where the first time you’re interacting with somebody that is a leftist in Syria or a leftist in the Ukraine is not in the context of a crisis but through background sets of arrangements in which there’s a kind of commonality and recognition of shared commitment and interest"

Aziz Rana on Democracy Now

Don’t despair, Give Today and Make a Real Difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

Together we are stronger!