Solidarity 2020 and Beyond
Our Network
Our Global Grassroots Activists Network (GGAN) consists of 150+ activists from 75+ countries around the world working to build campaigns and social justice movements for change with nonviolent action and organizing. Join us!
GGAN members are activists skilled in locally-led strategic nonviolent resistance including tactics such as protests, marches, boycotts, blockades, strikes, social media campaigns, mobilizing, awareness raising, art, music, and theatre, to challenge and transform abusive and unequal power structures in their societies.
Kathmandu Declaration
How do we learn from each other and mobilize in joint struggles more effectively amidst escalating repression, climate catastrophe, systematic exploitation, and new challenges after the COVID pandemic?
This is the question addressed by 80+ grassroots activists and community leaders from 44 countries who gathered in Kathmandu, Nepal on 15-19 March 2023 under the umbrella of Solidarity 2020 and Beyond. This Declaration summarizes our core values and what we committed to advance in our communities and globally.
Our GGAN Members Doing what they do best!

List of GGAN Movements
At least 85% of our grassroots activists are based in the field and movements that they are active members of. Up to 15% are living in exile or academic study abroad.
Democratization, youth movement (Bangkok)
Save the Mekong River, ethnic rights, land rights, environmental rights, (Chiang Khon)
Free Laos Campaign, Democratization, religious freedom and rights, freedom of speech, land rights
- Democratization, migrant rights, environmental rights (Shan State)
Land rights, democratization, freedom of speech, migrant rights, Phnom Pen
Freedom of speech, democratization
Democratization, youth movement (Taipei) (Institute and University)
Hong Kong
Democratization, freedom of speech, youth movement
Free Tibet Movement, Self-determination (Free Tibet Movement, NYC and India)
West Papua
US Exile, Self-determination
Tribal Women’s Movement (West Bengal)
Ekta Parishad, Gandhi-based movement for poor and landless (Chhattisgarh, elsewhere)
Movement for a free Assam, past liberation movements and armed struggle (Assam)
Ethnic rights and democratization (Balochistan) (Ameer)
Human rights and ethnic rights (Sindh province)
Pashtun ethnic rights and human rights (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
Women’s rights and gender justice (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
LGBTQ rights and women’s rights (Islamabad/Lahore)
Sri Lanka
- Peace and justice movement for Tamil rights/Transitional justice and against Islamophobia (Chaminda)
Victim’s rights, ex-combatants and child soldiers, transitional justice movement (Kathmandu/Portugal/Western Nepal) (Ram and Lenin)
National Disability Rights campaign and movement (Kathmandu) (Sushil and Basudev)
Human Rights, good governance, anti-corruption, anti-violent extremism (Kathmandu) (Subindra and Chiranjibi)
Women’s rights, gender justice, Action Aid (Kathmandu) (Anjana)
Good governance and democratization (Hamza)
Sierra Leone
- Health care rights and anti-corruption campaigns (Freetown) (Asad and Boi Jeneh)
- Women’s rights, livelihood rights and FGM campaigns (Aliou)
- Farmers and Herders Conflict and movement for security and rights (Makerde) (Laz)
- Peace and Nonviolent Conflict Research of Movements (Abuja, Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution) (Taowfik)
- Niger Delta environmental and livelihood movement, Ogoni/Ethnic rights (Port Harcourt) (Ineba)
- Women’s rights and environmental justice (Olanike)
- Anglophone rights, livelihood, and democratization movement, (Buea, Douala, Yaounde) (Bergeline/Edna/Jimm) (Stephen)
- Women’s and girls’ rights, (Limbe) (Delphine)
- Farmer’s rights, youth movement, African Middle East Leadership project, Pan-Africanism (US/Cameroon) (Nwafor)
Cote d’Ivoire
- Disability rights, human rights (Abidjan) (Ahouty)
Burkino Faso
- Human Rights, livelihood rights, anti-violent extremism (Roger and Yves)
- Human rights, livelihood rights, ethnic conflict, and democratization (Goma) (Claude, Ghislain, and Jean de Dieu, LUCHA)
- Human rights, livelihood rights, creative resistance and art/Music, Pan-Africanism (Kinshasa) (Gahizi)
- Ethnic rights, democratization, UK/Addis (Bekele)
- Democratization, women’s rights, anti-violent extremism, (US/Burundi) (Fikiri)
- Democratization, ethnic rights, land rights, livelihood rights, anti-police brutality (Kampala and Northern Uganda) (Solidarity Uganda/Phil) (Scovia) (Johncation)
- Women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, freedom of the press (Kampala) (Rosebell)
- Religious minority rights and anti-Islamophobia, anti-violent extremism, anti-corruption campaigns (Mombasa and eastern Kenya) (Hussein, HAKI Africa, Hassan, MUHURI, Fahad)
- Land rights, livelihood rights, anti-police brutality, democratization, human rights (Nairobi, rural areas) (Mumbi, Julius, Frances, Garang) (Kisimu) (Sungu)
- Democratization, human rights, livelihood rights, land rights, LGBTQI rights (Collins and Geoffrey)
Eritrea: Democratization, ethnic rights, women’s rights, Pan-Africanism (Sweden/Eritrea) (Rahel)
Tanzania: Democratization
Djibouti: democratization
- Extractive industry exploitation, environmental justice, land rights, livelihood rights, (Mutare)
- Human rights, extra-judicial killings, democratization (Harare)
- Labor rights, freedom of speech, democratization (Harare)
South Africa
- Student right’s campaign and livelihood campaigns (Durban, KwaZulu-Natal)
- Land rights, Pan-African movement, women’s rights (Johannesburg)
- Anti-corruption, good governance and transparency movement (Ke)
- Democratization, land rights, anti-militarism, women’s rights (Khartoum) (Zahra) (US/Sudan) (Azaz) (Khartoum)
South Sudan
- Democratization, anti-militarism, ethnic rights, land rights
- Democratization, freedom of speech, Pan-Africanism, African Youth Movement and Afresist, Special Envoy for the African Union, Feminist/Women’s rights, civil society strengthening (Tunis/Addis)
- Anti-slavery movement (Nouakchott)
Western Sahara
- Self-Determination
- Ethnic rights (Kurds), women’s rights and gender justice, anti-militarism, democratization (Istanbul)
- Self-determination struggle, land rights, ethnic and religious rights, anti-occupation (West Bank)
- Self-determination, anti-blockade, democratization (Gaza)
- Palestinian Bedouin unrecognized villages, human rights, anti-blockade, refugee rights (African) (near Sderot)
- Democratic One-State Campaign, human rights, anti-occupation, anti-Zionist, anti-militarism (West Jerusalem)
- Palestinian and other refugee rights, freedom of speech, livelihood rights, youth
- Democratization, anti-corruption (Beirut) (Rania)
- LGBTQI rights, women’s rights (US/Beirut)
- Livelihood rights, democratization, anti-militarism, youth movement (Sanaa)
- Democratization, ethnic rights, land rights, anti-corruption (Kabul/US exile)
- Syrian refugees, Kurdish rights, refugee rights (Gaziantep)
Serbia: Democratization, freedom of speech, anti-corruption (CANVAS)
Hungary: Democratization, anti-authoritarian, Roma/Minority rights, homeless rights (Budapest) (Balint)
Romania: Anti-corruption, democratization (Kai)
Armenia: Democratization (Anna, Lilit and Narek)
Azerbaijan: Democratization, anti-corruption, freedom of speech (Living in Istanbul)
Kyrgyzstan: Student movement, democratization (Kara-Koo)
Ukraine: Democratization, anti-militarization (Kyiv) (Andrii)
Croatia: interreligious dialogue, anti-violence and anti-militarism
- Democratization, livelihood, environmental justice, youth movement, nonviolent institute (Mexico City)
- Afro-Colombian rights, land rights, right to healthcare, democratization, anti-militarism (La Cieba)
- Anti-corruption and anti-militarism (Guatemala City)
- Land rights, indigenous rights, transitional justice and human rights, (Guatemala City) (Northeast Guatemala) (Rigoberta)
- Women’s rights, gender justice, livelihood rights, indigenous rights
- Youth movement, democratization and peace process, land rights (Bogota) (Xiomy)
- Peace process, democratization, student rights, land rights (Bogota) (Freddy)
- Peace community, anti-militarism, land rights, (San Jose de Apartado) (Jesus Emilio)
- Land rights, peasant rights, anti-corporation, Afro-Colombian (PBI, Gimena)
- Indigenous rights, environmental rights (Amazon/US) (Maira)
- Landless peasant’s movement (currently connecting with Kurt’s connection)
Venezuela: democratization
Bolivia: Indigenous and land rights
Paraguay: Anti-corruption and youth leadership
Ecuador: Indigenous and land rights, anti-violence and corruption
Argentina: victim’s rights and transitional justice
Poor People’s Campaign
Indigenous Rights equality and justice and other campaigns in Oregon
Palestinian Rights Campaigns
Sunrise Movement (Co-leaders) justice and Climate Crisis
Red Nation/Indigenous Rights/Self-Determination Immigrant Rights
Women’s National March
Momentum Training Institute
Waging Nonviolence (News outlet: Eric/Phil)
James Lawson Institute
Nonviolence International
Beautiful Rising/Beautiful Trouble
Pace Bene and Campaign Nonviolence
Everytown for Gun Safety/Mom’s Demand Action (Sensible Gun Safety Movement)
Black Lives Matter
Grassroots Alexandria
Code Pink Anti-militarism, feminist values and policies, US foreign policy issues
Canada: indigenous rights for families and children and land rights
Southern Africa
Mozambique: Women’s rights and gender justice and democratization